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Welcome to Manic Pinit
What is Pinterest?
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Section 1: Pinterest account setup
Section 2: Ceate your profile the right way.
Section 1: Create boards and fill them with content.
Sections 2: Fill up your boards with relevant Pins.
Section 1: How to save your own pins.
Section 2: Pinning strategies for beginners. (Manual pinning.)
Section 3: Pinning strategies for beginners (using TailWind.)
Section 4: Scheduling pins with TailWind - a tutorial
Section 5: Summary of Pinterest strategies for beginners.
Section 1: More content requires different pinning strategies.
Section 2: Pinning strategies when you have more than 15/20 blog posts (Manual Pinning Strategy)
Section 3: Pinning strategies for 15 or more posts (TailWind method)
Section 4: Summary of pinning strategies for when you have 20 or more posts.
Section 1: Have template(s)
Section 2: Design tips + free Canva templates
Section 1: Pinterest group boards vs. TailWind Tribes
Section 2: Prep your blog.
Section 3: Craft a great post title.
Section 4: Write an amazing post.
What's next?
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